
Monday, September 30, 2013


In social studies, we are in the middle of our unit on Native Americans. We learned about kachina masks and how they were important to the Pueblo and Hopi societies. We discussed symbolism and how they were used during religious ceremonies. As an art activity, the students created their own kachina masks out of a paper plate. The students had a lot of fun and it was neat to see how creative they became. I finally got around to actually hanging these up (mainly because I never wear shoes that I feel stable enough wearing while standing on a chair) and I love how they turned out. Some of my kids are so artistic!

Monday 9-30-13
Top: Old Navy
Skirt: Kohl's 
Bracelet: Lucky at Macy's 

Close-up of the shoes. This was the first time I've worn them to school and they didn't hurt at all! I'm looking forward to getting more wear out of them this fall. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Goodbye Summer!

Wednesday 9-25-13

Cardigan: Old Navy
Jeans: Gap
Blouse: Marshall's 
Boots: Franco Sarto at Macy's 
Necklace: Target

 Thursday 9-26-13
Cardigan: Marshall's
Tank: Merona at Target
Pants: Old Navy
Shoes: Rampage
Necklace: V-Day gift from the boyfriend :) 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mint to be

Friday 9-20-13
Top: Old Navy
Jeans: Ann Taylor
Necklace: No clue!?

Thursday, September 19, 2013


One more day left to go! Today we worked on line plots in math. I taught the students the lesson, we worked out some problems in the book, and then we created a line plot using our own data. I gave each student a sticky note and had them write their shoe size on it. I was surprised by how many students didn't know where to locate the size on the shoe! I drew a large number line on the whiteboard and had the students go up and place their sticky note over the number that corresponds to their own shoe size, like so:

The students used this data to create a frequency table and copied the line plot onto their own paper. For my fast finishers, I gave them the task of figuring out how far our feet would stretch if we all stood with one foot in a line. One of my girls did a fabulous job of explaining how to work out the problem (the red numbers above are her calculations). 

The kiddos thought this lesson was so funny and it was nice to see how quickly they got the objective. 

Thursday 9-19-13
Skirt: Elle at Kohl's 
Tank: Old Navy
Cardigan: Merona at Target
Shoes: Merona at Target
Belt: came with a dress I believe
Watch: Fossil

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bar Graphs

We are starting a new chapter in our math curriculum and it begins with bar graphs and line graphs. My kiddos had their first math test of the year this week and since we reviewed A LOT for it, I wanted to do something a little more hands-on to make it more interesting.

 Instead of just doing problems from the book, I had the students collect their own data and then create their own bar graphs. They chose whatever topic they wanted and 5 categories or options for classmates to choose from. They then went around the room and interviewed students about their topic. After they collected the data, they used a graph (that I gave them) to plot the data.

It was so fun to see all of the questions that they came up with ranging from favorite sport and food to favorite video game character (none of which I recognized). It was also another fun way for the students to get to know each other and build up our community. The students even interviewed me!

They did a great job collecting the data and creating their graphs. However, some of them actually ended up looking more like histograms (tomorrow's lesson) than bar graphs. That was my own fault! Still, I think they got the object and had fun in the process.

Here's a picture from the activity. You can see how it looks more like a histogram! 

Wednesday 9-18-13
I love this skirt. I got so many compliments on it today. Of course they all came from 10-year-old girls but still! 
Skirt: Forever 21
Tank: Banana Republic
Necklace: Forever 21

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fly Away

Tuesday 9-17-13
Bird Print Dress
I have been dying to wear this dress for some reason. I love the hummingbird print on it and the fact that I can wear it on a spring day or a cool day like we had today, hence the boots. It originally had these weird pockets on it that I didn't really care for. So, I took some scissors to it, ironed it, and voilĂ ! 
Dress: Spense bird dress
Boots: Old Navy 
Ring: Kohl's 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Indiana Jones

Thursday 9-12-13
I call these my Indiana Jones boots. I don't even know what kind of shoes Indiana Jones wears, but I imagine the female version of him would wear something like this. They are hand-me-downs from my older sister and I wear them a lot. That's the great thing about having three sisters. (:
Dress: Mossimo at Target
Boots: Nine West 
Necklace: Vendor at the SF International Gift Fair

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never Forget

Last night I was trying to figure out how I would teach my kiddos about the tragedy of 9/11 when I realized that they weren't even born when it happened! I can remember where I was and what I was doing so vividly that it's like I'm still there. I pray that they never have to experience a moment like that in their lives.

I decided not to do a formal lesson, but just had the topic as part of our morning community meeting. I had them think about a moment in their lives, good or bad, that they can remember vividly. Then I had them share with a partner because they ALL had memories to share. After that, I explained to them that for me, that moment is 9/11. We talked about what the word "infamy" means and how 9/11 is an important part of our history, yet we are still living with the aftermath today. We talked about the loss of life but I also wanted them to understand the heroism that came from that day as well.

It was a really touchy subject, but one that I think is so important. At the end of the day, I gave the students a homework assignment to interview a member of their families about 9/11. I am hoping that by hearing about the events from the perspective of a family member will help them understand the importance of the day on another level.

On another note, this week is a really difficult one for personal reasons. We lost my grandfather 3 years ago today, and my grandmother 2 years ago this past Monday. Not a day goes by that I don't think of them and miss them very much. I love the Grace Potter and I seem to be listening to this song a lot this week...

Grace Potter & The Nocturnals -- Stars

Wednesday 9-11-13
Electric Blue 
Top: Marshall's
Pants: Gap
Wedges: Payless
Necklace: Gold chain w/ my grandpa's ring

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back to School Night

I survived my first Back to School Night. I was admittedly a little nervous about how it was going to go because the parents scare me more than the kids do! I got advice and ideas from my colleagues and ended up putting together a simple PowerPoint presentation (I don't have a SmartBoard) about myself, my expectations, and an overview of the curriculum. I'm sure I talked way too fast but it overall went very well and the parents didn't have many questions like I anticipated.

I have a VERY chatty group of kids and I feel like I spend a majority of my day trying to get them quieted down. I hate feeling like I constantly have to be on their case because I don't want to be perceived as a disciplinary. I like order and things well-managed but I try to do so in a positive manner. Lately, though, it has been really difficult to do so. With this in mind, I was really curious about what, if anything, the parents had to say or ask about my management policy.

I was overwhelmed with the feedback that I received. One parent told me that her son has never been so excited to come to school before. She said that he used to fake sick and try anything to get out of going, but this year he can't wait for it. Another parent said his son is more motivated and trying harder than he has before. As a first year teacher, I am constantly second-guessing myself and my teaching strategies. I worry about whether or not I am truly reaching the kids or failing them completely. Hearing these comments from just a couple parents reaffirms why I am doing this and that maybe I am having an impact, even if I don't immediately see it. Just like my student, I can't wait for school tomorrow!

Tuesday 9-10-13
Red or orange? 
When I originally bought these pants, I was looking for a nice red color. As soon as I put these on, I was in love. However, seeing them in another light, they actually looked more orange. I still can't completely tell what to call this hue but I simply don't care anymore. They are the best. 
Pants: Gap
Tee: Gap Outlet
Shoes: Payless (yes seriously. So comfy too!)
Jacket: New York & Co. 
Necklace: Ebay

I managed to find some time to go home and change before Back to School Night. Don't mind my dog or boyfriend photo-bombing the picture! 
Dress: Eliza J (RP: $158. I found it at Ross for only $7.49 on clearance whaaaat?!)
Wedges: Old
Watch: Fossil 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend recap: camping

It's only Monday and I am already exhausted! This weekend I went on what I thought would be a relaxing camping trip. We went to Bullard's Bar Reservoir (fun name right?) in Yuba County. It was nice to get away with friends, hang out on the boat, and do a little wakeboarding. However, it felt more draining than relaxing. This could be due to the fact that I spent the entire 6 hour car ride (there and home) prepping for the next month and grading papers... in between watching My Cousin Vinny on the DVD player. (:  I am really excited about how much I got accomplished and I'm hoping my kiddos like all of the activities that I have planned! 

Here's a picture from the trip. I didn't remember to take one until we were heading out so this is just the marina. It was so beautiful out on the water and not crowded at all! 

Monday 9-9-13
Maxi Madness
I am a HUGE fan of the maxi dress. 1: It is easy and works for any occasion. 2: It's long enough to cover the nasty bruises that I get on my legs from Crossfit!

Dress: Old Navy
Cardigan: Mossimo at Target
Jacket: Old Navy
Earrings: Old Navy
(See a trend?) 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Daily 5

If you haven't heard of the Daily 5 yet, I highly recommend you pick up the book by sisters and teachers, Gail Boushey and Joan Moser. Daily 5 is basically a curriculum framework that helps students develop habits that lead to literacy independence. I love how accessible and organized the book is and how it explains every step of the process.

There are 5 components to it (obviously)--- Read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, word work, and work on writing. However, I decided that these didn't exactly work for me and my kids so I modified them slightly. My 5 stations are listen to reading, word work, grammar, comprehension, and work on writing. For listen to reading, groups of students actually meet with me at the back table and we take turns reading from a novel together. I also do incorporate read to self, however, I like for my students to do this every single day so I didn't include it in the rotations. For the other stations, the students complete one a day and then rotate throughout the week. By Friday, they will have completed every rotation.

Daily 5 Rotations

Another thing that I do differently is that I group my students and designate the stations, rather than letting them choose. I felt that this was more appropriate for my students because it ensures they go through each station and I don't feel that they are completely ready for independence just yet. We will get there! It also helps cut down on the talking (slightly). That is a HUGE problem with this group.

Groups and Assignments

This week I decided to use the language arts workbook for the activities during the rotations. Eventually, I will have them "choose" an activity for each rotation from designated folders. I have seen some great ideas on Pinterest for this and I am really excited to get them together.

One such activity that I have started using is the whole class journal during work on writing. I have 5 journals with different writing prompts on the outside. Students can choose a journal and write freely about the topic. Then someone else can continue writing about the same topic in the journal. The students like reading what the other students have written and it is fun to see the different ideas that come from them.
Whole Class Journals

I'm hoping that within the next month the students will have the routine down and I can give them a little more freedom. For now, the structure that I have implemented is working for us.

Casual Friday (TGIF)
Shirt: Cynthia Rowley at Marshall's
Jeans: Old Navy
Wedges: Old

My dog wanted to be in the picture too. Say hi to Duke! 
Blazer: Mossimo at Target
Necklace: Target (old)

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Thursday 9-5-13
I didn't realize until after I took the picture that I was wearing another yellow and blue outfit. What can I say? I do love that combo. 

Skirt: Merona at Target
Cardigan: Forever 21
Shirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Merona at Target
Earrings: vendor at the SF International Gift Fair

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Since I am new to the blogging world, I'm still trying to figure things out! I meant to post yesterday but I just didn't know what the heck I was doing. Hopefully I've got a better handle on it now. 

So, here's a two-for-one on what I wore:

Tuesday 9-3-13
My weather app said overcast so I figured it was time to bust out the fall boots for the 1st time. Don't mind my laundry basket or my boyfriend sleeping in the background. Say cheese dear! 
Dress: Sonoma at Kohl's
Boots: Franco Sarto at Macy's

Wednesday 9-4-13
Yellow & Blue Combo 
I love these two colors together. One of my students was also wearing blue polka dot pants this day. I thought it was cute, I'm sure she thought it was embarrassing. 
Top: old from Marshall's 
Pants: Merona at Target
Wedges: old

Tour the States

Fifth grade social studies is all about the good U.S. of A. We started the year off by learning our state capitals. I'll admit, even I don't think I could name them all! It's been so long since I learned them myself.

I found this awesome video called "Tour the States" from Marbles: The Brain Store featuring a wonderful artist drawing each state and a picture that pertains to each one. There's also a really catchy tune that I find myself singing all the time. My kids loved it so much that they are always asking me to play it again. Hopefully it will get your kids excited about learning the capitals as well.